May your life be like a wildflower, growing freely in the beauty and joy of each day
Native American proverb
Native American proverb
I offer a unique form of integrated hypo-psychotherapy called Living Systems Therapy. This is a multi-approach personal transformation program that facilitates an individual in self exploration by examining beliefs, narratives, images, and interpretations about who they are and their purpose and place in this world.
Over the last 20 years of practice as a Complementary and Alternative Health Practitioner, I have utilised my skills in Homeopathy, nutrition and Functional and Clinical Medicine to work with many chronically ill children and adults in Africa, The Middle East and Australia towards better health and in some instances cure. I learnt that curing is inherently different to healing. This distinction revolutionised the way I practised.
Curing means “eliminating all symptoms of disease”, whereas healing means “to become whole”. In the case of chronic or emotional illness "cure" is only lasting when healing happens on a deeper level.
I studied and worked with many therapists and healers from a variety of schools of thought. Through this process I gained insight into some of the many complex problems that affect all of us - each one differently, of course, but with some commonality. People who are “stuck” have unresolved emotional or physical trauma that keeps them stuck in a learnt pattern of self preservation. Examining belief structures, reactive patterns and unresolved trauma can help us get “un-stuck” and enable us to step in and enjoy the wonders that this life has to offer. Healing goes to the heart and changes everything, if you approach it the right way.
The therapeutic process is considered a journey of increasing self-awareness and growth, where the clients rediscovers and develops their inner strength and their own skills to live the lives they wish to live.
I use an eclectic approach to psychotherapy including a combination of Coherence Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Inner Family Systems, Psychosynthesis and Positive Psychology to facilitate an individual in self exploration. This approach is based on the fundamental belief that every person is already whole at their core, the therapeutic process is a journey back to this wholeness. The therapeutic relationship is a vital component of the transformation process.
Living Systems Therapy is not diagnostic and is not an alternative to, but rather complementary to traditional medical approaches to mental health and chronic diseases. I support working together with other health professions towards the best outcome for any client.
Living Systems Therapy
Healing through Living!
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