Transformed Living

A 360° approach to transforming your life

Changing the odds for developing a chronic disease requires a 360° approach. Yes, we know that making a 360° turn would leave you in exactly the same place! We mean tackling lifestyle factors from all directions.


A transformed living program has to do more than just provide information and educate people on healthy lifestyle . Lifestyle changes are a process that take time and require support. Once you’re ready to make a change, the difficult part is committing and following through.

So, what is Lifestyle coaching? We define it as working with a very individualised approach to lifestyle factors on the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional levels. The 360° Transformed Living Program is a truly holistic approach that focusses on all aspects of your life and moves you on the path of what we call Mindful Health.

Mindful Health empowers a person to make conscious, informed health related choices from an internal locus of control. Health becomes a personal and family value as opposed to a goal to be attained somewhere in the future.


“Healthy is not something you do, it is someone you are”

- Wildflowers Unite