What’s with the Wildflowers?
The metaphor of the wildflower resonated so deeply with us. The wildflower is free, wild, humble, authentic and purpose driven, admitting to its own imperfection and never above or below in status or importance. It has tremendous inner strength, grit and resilience to push through even when times are hard. It is selfless and nurturing, giving of itself in service of others and the greater good of all. Wildflowers are pioneer plants, creating environments for other plants to grow and flourish.
We specifically chose the dandelion for our logo as it is so rich in symbolism and represents the absolute epitome of transformation. Their ability to thrive under the most adverse conditions can teach us persistence, positivity and survival. The dandelion teaches us to look beyond the surface of things and find the beauty that isn’t always visible and apparent.
The opening and closing of the flower, and its elaborate transformation from flower to adorable puffball to seed, lead us through our own changes as we first show ourselves off, then retreat, then return in a different form. A “death” of each stage necessary to allow the resurrection of the glorious new stage to appear - a living, dynamic system.
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes.
Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow.
Let reality be reality.
Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
~Lao Tzu